Friday, August 22, 2014

Hail Holy Queen!

Happy feast of the Queenship of Mary!!

Our Queen mother is so awesome and I pray that all who read this will take her as their mother. May we take her as our Mother just as Jesus gave her to John the beloved disciple at the foot of the cross.

Here's a fun video of the song "Hail Holy Queen" that have entertained my boys at home:

Although I don't really like applause during Mass because it disrupts meditation and takes the focus away from God, this is still a great video.

On a separate note, please keep the city of Ferguson, MO in your prayers. This is a great article that I read recently about the situation to date:

Also please pray for those being persecuted in Iraq and especially the parents of James Foley who was a freelance journalist (and a Catholic) who was beheaded this week by ISIS. Here's a great story about the Pope making a personal call to the parents of James Foley:

Lots to pray about, but with the Queen Mother assisting us and joining us in prayer - God's will will be done.

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